Saturday, August 27, 2022

What is Alchemy of the soul?


The onset of Alchemy is usually ushered by the opening of the Third Eye and the onset of the entrance of a fallen spirit shadows and other characters. Whirls into your presence with a series of energetic pressures and they begin their ascent onto the earth surface. This design is specifically the intentions of the Principalities and Powers of Darkness.

Just so you know where your going . . .


Whatever you think or may perceive about who or what is hunting you, you will suffer massive delusions and millions of falsities. This is called Schizophrenia in the medical community.

What professor Google gives you is a definition of “Spiritual alchemy is all about discovering oneself. It delves in the path of uncovering the truth. The truth about the soul, cosmos, and nature. Spiritual alchemy is about letting go of one’s redundant qualities. It is about embracing one’s highest self. Thus, at its core, spiritual alchemy is about self-development.” But notice the web site link as it calls itself “mind fool” Spiritual Alchemy Meaning and 7 Stages of It | TheMindFool

Unfortunately, Hindu has much in common with the occults, they are truly beautiful peoples, and they deserve much better. I intend not to offend them whatsoever, I want them to have the best life as God created them to have. I want them to know beauty and peace and all be able to express their inner most beauty. Satanists use Hindu techniques often, especially Kundalini. 

There is this idea of “It is what you make it?” but that’s not the case. You in fact are being extorted by your very own good nature to believe the best and hope for the good in all your perceptions.

What you learn are falsities about the cosmos etc. Mostly these enemies’ spirits will tell you all sorts of things out of the atmosphere and you have no means to validate the truth. But you do, if you compare what happens in the natural life you will begin to see the lies. The truth is that “God” our true father and creator has his hands on the physical world and natural life.

This is the primary cause of most of these evil events we experience from those people who enter churches and schools desiring to kill everyone. They more than likely have come across a witch or occultist who has sent demons by way of spells upon them.  There is no such thing as a good witch vs a bad witch rather there is good people who found themselves in this mess. Ironically, they are still serving the class of the fallen angels and will be embattled the rest of their lives.

 What the real truth is here is that you are being formed into the occults and witchcrafts. You will be faced with some very powerful demons that intend to destroy you.  Be prepared warriors and crack your bible  . . .  run into the arms of God the Father, God the Son and God to the Holy Spirit, they are way more powerful anyway. It can become very difficult at this point to loosen these tentacles of Satan. Remember Satan is a title a not the enemies “name”. There are many Satan’s and satan’s in the realm of the fallen. The “big” Satan is of course Ba’al.

You have not asked for this nor did you give consent, the occultist won’t ask and if they did it would be lies! Press forward and follow Christ, I choose the Catholic Church because of the great Apostolic life and instruction on that matter. Be very strong worrier it takes a long time because the enemy really wants your soul to destroy it. This is how he offends God and hurts his heart so you wont be valued as anything but the Trophy is everything. Resist and stand in opposition, insist you will not relent even if the enemy implant’s in your mind you cant do this or that God is not real. I promise you will see miracles and you will find our God the Father.


Lots of power is coming at you to cause confusion and illusions and darkness . . . be prepared! Don’t try to out smart Satan but rather you can set the truth straight by word. Simply put; “That’s a lie and its not true, this is what I see”. 

Make sure you repent first “ I saw an angel holding a banner that said “Penitence”! Even if you think you did nothing to cause it!

Good Luck and email me should you have questions or need help

Thursday, August 25, 2022

How to remove enemy spiritual forces from attachments to your senses

The enemy attaches itself to your senses that is your eyes, ears, nervous system, your sense of touch, sight, taste, smell and various body parts. If you have ever been baptized, you have authority to rebuke his attachments. We call these the tenacles of Satan. You must open your morning to the Holy Spirit, invite and bid him to come onto you daily. Then you must rebuke Satan in Jesus name and then list out all affects the enemy has upon your host.

Here is my list; By the Precious blood of Jesus Christ I demand my spiritual enemy release all attachments on; 

My eyes – my vision becomes clear again and budling and swelling go away My ears – I will no longer hear the enemies voice nor can he speak to me.

My sense of touch – I will no longer feel the pins and needle voodoo stabbings, bug bits, sharp pains, muscle spasms, sword stabbings, pain of all kinds in my body and organs. My spiritual enemy can no longer intensify my senses regarding addictions, passions or indulgences.

My conscious mind – I will no longer have memory issues or experience “dumb energy” that causes me to be forgetful. I will not be subject to the illusions of my enemy’s imagination nor will the enemy be allowed to implant dreams, emotions and overwhelming feelings in my sleep to influence me. 

My subconscious mind- my enemy will no longer control impulses and make impressions on what I should do or how I should think. 

Other body parts; all odd swelling in legs, arms, back of neck, belly and gastral gases, heartburn and feeling of burnings on the lungs and heart.

Repeat three times and each time end it with the sign of the cross in the Name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Through the presence of the Holy Spirit, you have this authority so don’t let the enemy make you think you don’t. It is in fact by Gods power the enemy is oppressed. The enemy is tenacious and may come around and try to make these attachments again, just do this same procedure again. Whatever you do, don’t give up on yourself or others if you're helping someone out.

Also, out blessed Virgin Mary has been given power and authority especially in this century to crush the heals of Satan so a Rosary will do you a universal good! St Joseph is also a very Powerful intercessor along with St Michael and the Archangels. 

Monday, August 9, 2021

Darkness of the Soul – Those Negative Voices


We have all experienced those negative thoughts and voices, do we really believe it’s our own thoughts? Why would we talk to ourselves like that? Whatever the case maybe, there are many people who listen to those voices. They can cause some to commit suicide and others to last out in anger and hostility to their loved ones. They can divide relationships or make some believe they are suffering some chronic illness like depression.

 Our God and our Savior created our souls for renewal, in the words of Christ “ I make all things new”. We are designed in such a nature that we must be in opposition of every negative voice in our minds. We woman here these voices that say “Your Fat” or “Your Ugly”. Just deflect them and say “well that must mean the opposite, “I am not fat, I am just right!” or “I must be beautiful”. Always stay in opposition to negative inner thoughts.

With depression, it’s rather just to allow it to empower you, it’s an indicator that something is wrong with your life and it’s time to make some changes. Revert back to a hobby you use to do or find a new hobby. Meet up with some old friends, get out more. Pray more or take some time in nature.

For me it’s the excitement of my faith and gardening. Make some changes, mix life up a bit. A friend shared this story and I think it sums it all up.

I heard this story the other day on a podcast about depression.

After the war, American doctors were in Cambodia working with Cambodian doctors to treat the soldiers with ptsd. When the Cambodian doctors asked what is an antidepressant? The America's explained and then the Cambodian doctors said, no we don't need that we already have antidepressants.

The Americans were curious thinking it was a herbal thing like valerian, chamomile, or maybe st John wort etc .. but they said no..we will explain it with a story.

After the war, the fields were filled with bombs and mines, but the people went back to life and started planting rice in those fields. Every second they worried about stepping in wrong spot accidently. One day a man who had already seen people die in the rice field, stepped on a mine that blew off a leg. They took him to doctor and it was so common that they put on a wooden leg and sent him back the next day to plant. But it was winter and it was very painful for people with wooden legs in the water. At first he just started to cry uncontrollably like a child while working. A grown man weeping continuously. Then he couldn't even get out of bed when he tried, too consumed with fear of the bombs. So they took him to doctor again and he explained about his infected leg and fear of bombs.

They said well would you like to be a dairy farmer and he said yes. So they gave him a cow and he no longer cried. They said, you see the cow is the antidepressant in this case.

The Cambodian doctors explained that when people become depressed they are not broken, they are not malfunctioning, they just have unmet needs that they can't push through and maybe need a hand. People in North America literally ask things like ' what's wrong with you?' Or ' what's your problem' when we are sad...but the answer is nothing!! Just a major unmet need.

The idea is that we do have some say and some ability to control our emotions, we don’t need to break down or get depressed we just need to think about things differently.

Monday, July 19, 2021



Aliens are not what you think. Most communications happen during esoteric experiences which aligns them more in a spiritual being.

In ancient days aliens appeared to ancient Egyptians and possibly older nations of people. What we found in Ancient Egypt was the aliens appeared as reptiles. God did not create a race of cold blooded reptile people. Egyptians formed graven images of these reptiles and worshipped them. Again a spiritual alignment from the occult side.

In Noah’s day, the agenda was fallen angels mating with woman because they found woman beautiful. And through this means they were attempting to create a giant race of peoples.  We know how that turned out, God flooded the Earth to destroy the agenda of demons mating with woman. The ancients who wrote the letters of the bible experienced these things and wrote about it to tell all generations of peoples.

Today, the Alien Agenda is taken an explosive turn, yes we have all heard about Alien’s mating with woman to create a hybrid peoples. Sound familiar?  Aliens are aligned with the occults directly and the Holy Scripture talks about these occult groups

Amos 5:8 - Seek him that makes the seven stars and Orion, and turn from the shadow of death into the morning, and make the day dark with night: that called for the waters of the sea, and pour them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name:

Job 38:31 - Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?

Job 9:9 - Which makes Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.

Job 38:31-32 - Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? 

Psalms 147:4 - He tells the number of the stars; he calls them all by their names.

Some of the occults of Rome are written about here;

“Roman religion was focused on deities and spirits who can collectively be called numina — mysterious spirits who roused reverential fear. Its gods ranged from the great Jupiter, with his consort Juno, through Mars or War, Venus or Love, and Ceres of the grain harvest, to such specialist deities as Narrator, the god of feeding, and Januarius, the god of the threshold. The whole of reality and of human activity was punctuated and pervaded by the numina”

“The Roman Empire later synthesized and absorbed many streams of thought and practice from the subjugated peoples, and nowhere was this more obvious than in the case of religion: the cults of Isis from Egypt, Mithras from Persia, Cybele from Asia Minor, and Astarte from Syria; Jewish religion from Palestine; Manichaeism from Persia; and Christianity, also from Palestine, are prime examples, to sit alongside such homegrown religiosities as the older paganism of Greece and Rome, the mysteries of Eleusis, Orphism, the intellectual faith of Platonism and its daughter Neoplatonism, Stoicism, and Epicureanism. The empire was a great melting-pot of spiritual notions”

These ancient gods whom were leaders in the occult groups, identified as Archons they are principalities and powers of darkness who appeared as aliens. So why do they appear this way? You’re looking at the image of a dying soul, this is what the angels who fell look like removed from God’s light. God’s light is what upholds the life force of the soul.

Here is what the Holy Bible tell us about Principalities and Powers of Darkness, this is your test and you should be prepared and not fail!

What are the principalities and powers the Bible talks about?

Principalities and powers are two names or titles given to spiritual forces, along with authorities, and rulers. Depending on the version of the Bible being used, the words "principalities" and "powers" occur more or less frequently. The King James Version and its derivatives (NKJV, MKJV) use the words principalities and powers most frequently. These spiritual forces are mentioned in six different Scripture passages.

The first occurrence is in Romans 8:37-39. In this passage, Paul makes the point that there is nothing in heaven or earth that can separate believers from God's love. Principalities and powers are included in the list of things that are unable to separate us from God. In this context, principalities and powers can mean demonic forces themselves, or the false prophets and teachers empowered by demonic forces to come against the truth and deceive us. In either case, the passage is clear that they will not succeed.

The second occurrence is in Colossians 1:16, which says that principalities and powers are among the created beings, made by God for His purposes. The fact that God made and sustains the very enemies that rebel against Him is a mind-boggling reality that may never be fully clear to us. He is the King, and has a purpose for everything—even for evil principalities and powers (Proverbs 16:4; Daniel 4:35; Isaiah 46:10-11).

Again in Colossians, we see that principalities and powers have been defeated and shamed by Jesus Christ's work on the cross (Colossians 2:15). The verse says they have been "disarmed" and that Jesus "made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross" (Colossians 2:15 NIV). Satan's goal has always been to steal the affections of mankind from God, and to then destroy His beloved creation. But Jesus made it possible for all who believe to be reconciled to God—apart from the law, and in spite of any and all sins by which Satan has tempted them (Romans 3:21-28).

Two more references to principalities and powers are found in Ephesians. The first passage talks about the heavenly powers and authorities, who see the church, Christ's body, advancing through the world and understand something about God's wisdom by what they see (Ephesians 3:10-11). This concept is seen again in 1 Peter 1:12, as Peter speaks of the gospel as something "into which angels long to look." These principalities and powers are holy, good, and powerful, and they love to see the display of God's work and wisdom on the earth. Conversely, the unholy principalities and powers are unhappy to see God's work and wisdom through humanity, and they struggle against us to defeat us (Ephesians 6:12). That being so, they will not win. As Martin Luther's famous hymn, A Mighty Fortress, says: The Prince of Darkness Grim / We tremble not for him / His rage will not endure / For lo, his doom is sure / one little Word shall fell him (Romans 16:20; Revelation 20:10).

The last reference in the Bible to principalities and powers is in Titus 3:1. This is a reference to earthly authorities and governments, who are ultimately placed over us by God's will. We are told to submit to governments out of respect for the God who ordained their rule over us. Rebellion against earthly authority brings judgment (Romans 13:2).

To possess an openness of your soul is not only dangerous to your wellbeing it will literally cause your souls destruction. They harvest your light or Gods light that animates your soul, these aliens treat people like they are cattle.  They cause Schizophrenia, all kinds of energetic attacks including pressing dark energy on the top of your head and creating a numbing of mind or a really bad headache. Pin needle effects, stabbing swords like someone was performing voodoo on you.  

Today’s Occult Groups are in North America are;






Ashtar Command


Starseed’s of all kinds

MUFON Alien Agenda


Satanist Groups


 You can goggle this stuff and see all kinds of channeling conversations, they are channeling demons (fallen angels) this is not at all being closed minded, this in fact has been a warning to humanity for thousands of years.

 The Alien Agenda is literally to bring the world back into the state it was before Christ came to establish these great works to warn us and to rescue us from the fallen ones. Participate is the legalistic dogmas of the church, the Eucharist, get Baptized, Pray Daily follow all Dogmas by Celebrating High Holy Days this helps much in your battles. Don’t let one thought stand in your way, evil beings work through your thoughts and puppet your actions and decisions. BE above this and do it anyway, Go to church! If your church is not helping, Catholic's have the highest Apostolic Prayer life of all churches. Your dealing with power and you need the most potent power of Holy forces by these prayers and dogma.

The outcome of alien alignment and even just curiosity is more like from the Move Independence Day;

 And this should be mankind but through Christian Faith! 





Friday, July 2, 2021

Voices, Spirits these are Dementors, Occlumency part of Dark Arts Formations

So many people are experiencing spiritual intrusions by entities. Some believe they are aliens, others believe they are a loved one from the past who's visiting in spirit. We've heard a lot about reptilians, shadow spirits, Ultra Violet Beings, Pleiadian's, Starseed's, Ascended Masters and the list goes on and on!

We know this right? The room gets very cold with a presence, voices and images come into your mind's eye and it's all so very real. Shape shifters, mind benders, illusionist, lucid dreaming, astral traveling. Wow, it's endless! Formations, formations and formations. These evil entities are working on formations in you. That's right, they are the ones who developed this elaborate concept of Witchcrafts.

What these spirits really are is a form of Dementors, that's right, the kind you may have seen in the Harry Potter movies. They are very dark and they come to suck out your spirit energy.

Their intentions are to form you in witchcrafts and make you believe in magic and in reality they are using their own will to perform these tasks to own your soul. They will begin to use your spirit energy as food for them so they can exist. That's right they need your energy, they don't have their own source. These are spirits that were thrusted out of heaven and "all souls" require God's true light to exist. They don't have it anymore and claim to be their own gods yet have no other source except the light of your soul that God made you from. Yes, your light is made from a part of himself.

These entities or Dementors intend to feed off of you and suck out as much of your life force as possible. In this clip below to the Dementors Kiss you can see these spirits attempting to suck the life out of Sirius Black, all the way till the end when his soul is leaving his body in a little bleep of light.

The Dementor's Kiss

Seriously the witches know, Satanist are essentially using these darker entities to manipulate people . In ancient days they may have been call incubuses' or succubus' but really they are more like these Dementor's, only one exception is these "dementor spirits" are always hanging around and trying to infiltrate your mind like the Dark Lord himself, yes Voldemort or Tom Riddle. Satanist directly practice dark arts, ironically the witches whom follow the false white light know this well and their video's are very revealing.

The Dementor's Creator

Ironically most of these people who dabble in witchcrafts will meet these creatures and in some cases send them to other people. Unfortunately, they themselves will become subdued by these entities if they do not have the love and light of Christ within them. When Harry bends time and shows up to where Sirius Black was being devoured by the Dementors, he sees himself as projecting a great light. It was Harry's love that actually fueled this light. Harrys love towards his family, this in fact is more like Christ except ten fold. Christs love for all of us created by God's love and joy is the only love strong enough to purge such creatures. Its truly sad that there are some who pursue evil via occults so intensely that they desire to inflict others with such an evil spirit.

The most horrible thing of all is all the conversation they will have with you and all the lies and misleading they will manipulate you in so many ways and make you think you can't get free and Christ would not want you. This is the greatest lie of all, Christ suffered a great deal willfully so he could save you from this evil fait. Christ can heal you from this and take away every affliction. You don't need to be concerned for one thing his grace is endless and love never failing.

I am reminded also about Professor Snap teaching Harry occlumency, this is the worst of all, this formation that satanic occults try to develop in you. Yea the attacks are either just attacks or formations, I for one believe they torment to pressure you to force you like a caged rat into the occults even if you dont want to. Just simply refuse and lean to Christ. The Catholic Church has such a treasury of prayer which really does develop an intimacy with Christ.

occlumency lessons

Auh just smacking with rot!! All this stuff like tarot, mediums, psychic readers, channelers, palm readers, Spirit Guides they all just lead to one form of the demonic. Learning how to war with Darkness, give that road up! Only Christ defeated Satan.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Afterlife, OBE and What’s going to Happen?


I’ve been made very aware that there are intrinsically two different ways a human soul is received once they pass away. Many of you have probably heard testimonies of those people who have passed away and experienced their soul out of their body.

Stories about those who have come back after experiencing some trauma that caused them to leave their host. From my experience witnessing the passing of my mother and learning more about spiritual matters there are scenarios that play out.

For those people who allowed life to carry them away from the abode of God’s covenant, those whom may have resolved in their current perceptions of life that praying to God is not so important.

Witnesses profess that upon exiting their host they were met by a loved one, someone very important to them in life, a mother, brother, father, friend has been there to greet them. One testimony I recently heard on YouTube, this man never really believed in God nor sought a life of prayer. He was an atheist, his small intestines burst and became septic while he was in France. It was difficult to find a doctor available to operate on him. While waiting he crossed over and was met by those he considered friends. His testimony stated that he was walking with them and they were going down a dark tunnel and as they were walking him down this tunnel they began to torture him in unspeakable ways. Then he heard a voice say “Pray”. He said he didn’t know many prayers but remember two from when he was a child and repeated those, then in a flash Christ appeared and carried him into the joy of heaven. He said this joy is indescribable!

With my mom, she had several experiences. One she was talking to her mother. She was German and she went to Germany to take care of her mom when her mom was suffering from acute Alzheimer’s. I was in her room when this visit occurred and I saw a brilliant orb of light pass through the wall and hover over her for about 2 seconds then go out the window in the fifth story room of the hospital. She told me all about it and for her the experience was like an hour. The next day she had a powerful dream of being in this place and selecting a wedding dress, this place had thousands and thousands of dresses for her to choose from. If you have had any brush with Christianity you understand the term “Bride and Bride groom” is a consistent metaphor.

My mom was transferred to Hospice, soon I was called and the nurse told me she was speaking to people in the room. I knew immediately that these people were from the dark side. My evil willed so called “spirit guide” told me they were coming to take her. You know the Angel on your left and that little devil on your right, yes those guys you need to pay attention to and discern who is evil. While driving downtown Houston in the medical center all I kept saying is “Not today Devil” you’re not taking her today! And then I busted out in prayers!

It’s clear . . . in that very moment of death the battle is on! Know if a friend or someone you thought as a loved one comes, they will be from the darker forces. You heard it right, they will not come speaking of holy things and they will not come by orders of God to receive you nor will any language be in their nature of holy rite. Though the thought of a loved one is most delightful to our souls in this case, upon your death you should be immediately with the Lord, have experiences metaphorically in line with spoken words in Holy Scripture. Unclean spirits come as friends and loved ones projecting images of people you know. 

 2 Corinthians 5:7-10  J.B. Phillips New Testament

Death can have no terrors, for it means being with God

5-8 Now the power that has planned this experience for us is God, and he has given us his Spirit as a guarantee of its truth. This makes us confident, whatever happens. We realize that being “at home” in the body means that to some extent we are “away” from the Lord, for we have to live by trusting him without seeing him. We are so sure of this that we would really rather be “away” from the body (in death) and be “at home” with the Lord.

9-10 It is our aim, therefore, to please him, whether we are “at home” or “away”. For every one of us will have to stand without pretenses before Christ our judge, and we shall be rewarded for what we did when we lived in our bodies, whether it was good or bad.

As Christians we are told to expect to be with the Lord once we are absent in the body and if we are faithful, baptized do our best to avoid the evils of this worlds tendencies to sin and maintain a good and wholesome prayer l life, we can expect to be with God. A strong relationship with our Lord even though Christ’s mercy is great and all we need is faith as small as a mustard seed. The hope to thwart this final battle of the soul and we need to have a shield that is strong as possible and a pocket full of memorized prayers! You gotta come out of your body praying . . .

This is what I have witnessed first hand . . . no fear is intended but rather to bring a deeper understanding and empowerment into your hearts how important a strong relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit needs to be. Don’t know about you but I have no intentions of stepping one foot in that dark hallway! 

We need to walk being in him and of him and having our being . . . .

Thursday, June 10, 2021

What is "evil" really?

Well, you have heard some people say "evil" is just the absence of "God". Or the absence of Gods light within and yes that is true in a sense. 

But what is "evil" really? 

Evil is projecting "ill" will towards another. How does one project "ill" will? These are some very common occurrences in our everyday society and I am sure they will shock you.

Using People - many people attempt to commit usury of another person in marriages (e.g. marry for money). Sometimes people can use their children or friends like a sort of slaves, expecting more from them then they expect from themselves. Some people use other people for sex even if they have no intention to be committed to them. Strategizing in your thoughts against another and how you can manipulate them to get what you want is one of the greatest evils that exist in mankind's mind. 

Speaking ill about others - this comes in the form of gossip , tabloids, persuading others to take your side against another, making up lies about another person based on your personal judgement. Using phrases like "I wish they would die." Telling or making up a lie in order to hurt or harm their character.  This does not include a true criminal act someone has committed.

Perception of Others - this is when you think your better than someone else and you look lowly on them because they dont have as much money as you or you dont like how they dress, or you raise suspicion against them that they are up to doing something bad to you when in fact they are not. False accusations. We are to look at one another as brothers and sisters with the benefit of doubt. 

Being Rude - This is when you cut in line because you think you are more important and should go before others who have been waiting in line, speaking rudely to another person when they did nothing to you. Failing to use polite words when you accidently bump into another person, failing to smile at a person when they have accidently bumped into you and apologized. Seeing someone waiting on a parking space and you swing around and take that spot first. This is putting yourself before others and looking downward on people. 

Causing Pain and Physical Abuse - of course this is physically or mentally assaulting a person intentionally.  Violence of all sorts but not proper spanking and discipline. Tormenting in concentration camps, tormenting over religion differences or racism. Tormenting animals etc.

Lack of Mindfulness - this can be not honoring someone's personal space, waking them up when they are sleeping to do something for you. Not asking "how are you?" when they look worn out or hurt or tired. 

Lack of respect for Life - we know this dont we? Abortion, Euthanasia, Beheading's etc. Yes mercy in pain is important for the sick and elderly and hospice can achieve pain management. Each person is entitled to be treated with dignity.

Are we shocked? Is our society acting completely "evil"? YES IT IS!  The sad part is when Satan comes to harvest people of the world as his army, if you do these things mentioned above, you will be in his sights to harvest.