Thursday, June 10, 2021

What is "evil" really?

Well, you have heard some people say "evil" is just the absence of "God". Or the absence of Gods light within and yes that is true in a sense. 

But what is "evil" really? 

Evil is projecting "ill" will towards another. How does one project "ill" will? These are some very common occurrences in our everyday society and I am sure they will shock you.

Using People - many people attempt to commit usury of another person in marriages (e.g. marry for money). Sometimes people can use their children or friends like a sort of slaves, expecting more from them then they expect from themselves. Some people use other people for sex even if they have no intention to be committed to them. Strategizing in your thoughts against another and how you can manipulate them to get what you want is one of the greatest evils that exist in mankind's mind. 

Speaking ill about others - this comes in the form of gossip , tabloids, persuading others to take your side against another, making up lies about another person based on your personal judgement. Using phrases like "I wish they would die." Telling or making up a lie in order to hurt or harm their character.  This does not include a true criminal act someone has committed.

Perception of Others - this is when you think your better than someone else and you look lowly on them because they dont have as much money as you or you dont like how they dress, or you raise suspicion against them that they are up to doing something bad to you when in fact they are not. False accusations. We are to look at one another as brothers and sisters with the benefit of doubt. 

Being Rude - This is when you cut in line because you think you are more important and should go before others who have been waiting in line, speaking rudely to another person when they did nothing to you. Failing to use polite words when you accidently bump into another person, failing to smile at a person when they have accidently bumped into you and apologized. Seeing someone waiting on a parking space and you swing around and take that spot first. This is putting yourself before others and looking downward on people. 

Causing Pain and Physical Abuse - of course this is physically or mentally assaulting a person intentionally.  Violence of all sorts but not proper spanking and discipline. Tormenting in concentration camps, tormenting over religion differences or racism. Tormenting animals etc.

Lack of Mindfulness - this can be not honoring someone's personal space, waking them up when they are sleeping to do something for you. Not asking "how are you?" when they look worn out or hurt or tired. 

Lack of respect for Life - we know this dont we? Abortion, Euthanasia, Beheading's etc. Yes mercy in pain is important for the sick and elderly and hospice can achieve pain management. Each person is entitled to be treated with dignity.

Are we shocked? Is our society acting completely "evil"? YES IT IS!  The sad part is when Satan comes to harvest people of the world as his army, if you do these things mentioned above, you will be in his sights to harvest. 

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