Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Seeking Truth

As we seek answers to questions in life from our parents and piers in society, so is the way we seek answers from our heavenly father. As his children when we bring to him the questions in our hearts, shortly after he reveals the answer.
Answers come in many forms, sometimes is in the words from another member in our soul family and sometimes its in a book or words that you may read. Other times its in an unfolding before you. Be aware this is your Heavenly Father that brings the answers, it is not the "Universe" as an inanimate object. The universe is the works of creation, made and formed by GOD, though it is living it is unable to have that intimate relationship with you. However only a highly conciseness being can be so intimately aligned with all that occurs in your mind and heart that a fulfilling relationship can exists beyond your comprehension. So is the nature of our Father, contemporary and at your side working through all contemporary creations in our now. Make no mistake GOD is fully alive, conscious and walking amongst us.

In every instance, when I brought myself to prayer seeking the truth I always received and answer. Without failing once, when I prayed to GOD to reveal the truth it unfolded like a flower in my heart. Deep relationship struggle are no different. Even though the truth may hurt, once empowered with truth you can follow the path your life was meant to. Truth empowers you to make choices and to overcome those oppressors in your life and change the grounds on that which enslaves you.

As his creation we often forget that when we seek all things from GOD, from "who we should marry" all the way to how to deal with our children's adolescents, the Kingdom of Heaven is upon us and the results of our following and listening brings about heaven on Earth and total fulfillment.

In one of my past relationships, one whom with I was married was unfaithful. Because honesty was not in his character, I sought truth in prayer. All seemed to spin out of control, all things where coming to the surface through a close family member and events. I was just laid off during an Acquisition in the company I worked with, I had three young children and didn't know what I was going to do or where I was going to go .... I trusted. The windows of Heaven flew wide open and opportunities presented themselves. The job was restored and a home became available from a close friend. In time I bought the home, the children where consider too in this event, the home was in the same general neighbor that they grew up in so the children didn't loose friends of relationships. Complete stability was awarded and I didn't even see it was coming.

I encourage everyone to seek God for all your needs, this removes deep radicles from our life's journey and creates a path to long lived joy and perfection.

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