Thursday, December 31, 2015

Demons, Witches, Warlocks and the Metaphysical Matrix

We as children of the one true living GOD, are all created with amazing abilities to connect spiritually in our souls and minds to our Heavenly Father, Christ and the Holy Spirit. This is a gracious gift given to us the moment our soul enters our host. I’d want to refer to this passage in John-

John 3:27–30

27 John answered, “A person cannot receive even one thing unless it is given him from heaven. 28 You yourselves bear me witness, that I said, ‘I am not the Christ, but I have been sent before him.’ 29 iThe one who has the bride is the bridegroom. The friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom’s voice. Therefore this joy of mine is now complete. 30 lHe must increase, but I must decrease.”

Now this verse is very pregnant, literally because John the Baptist has clearly noted everything we receive is from Heaven. This is both spiritual gifts and physical lots of wealth and fortunes. Humbly John steps back and for the Bridegroom. This verse is the exact path the gifted children of the one true GOD should walk. Speak truth and stand back from the Bridegroom to take lead.

With that being said I send you on the path of truth ~

Just as these beautiful gifts are given, so we can reach heaven in our communion of thoughts, conversations and visions there are those who choose an opposite path. Yes, witches and warlock who choose the dark path. They manipulate all things and call it “self will and manifestations”.

There are a multitude of Warlocks, each having their own venue of self proclaimed powers. These powers can include satanic rituals, summoning demons from fire and the underworld to those who master energy fields. Warlocks whom master energy will use electrical charges by some device they have created and send electrical charges through the Matrix to send pain impulses to your body parts like the heart or lungs and make you think something is medically wrong with you. Some cause pain on you back, shoulders, neck and head. Some people refer to this affect as Archon attacks. Through the ages including the time of Christ these people who choose this path have manipulated many things including poison potions from herbs and also other people.

About these manipulations many ordinary people are unaware of include a thing called the Matrix. The matrix is an energetic field that corresponds to the lay lines on the earth. (Latitude and Longitude lines.) This field’s energy consists of ultra-violet light in a metaphysical sense. All dark witches deal in ultra-violet light. This fields or net is the vehicle for their psychic energy, through this field they connect to other people just with a photo or image of the targeted person. What these Black Magic people don’t realize is this Ultra-violet Matrix Grid is causing the life force of the planet to die. This energy field kills the energy field of plants and vegetations and interferes with Polar Magnetic Fields. Just as we understand there are good psychics, the best of these people with this gift will lean to the true GOD, creator and his begotten son Christ and the Holy Spirit for all guidance’s.

The darker peoples (witches and warlocks) use this “Matrix” as a portal of travel to afflict another person. The individual choose his or her own purpose for affliction. An enemy; a Christian; a woman for sexual energy. Many people call these “Energy Vampires”. Unfortunately an average Christian does not know about these manipulations. Many satanic witches and warlock use this matrix to delivery demons.

Metaphysical student find this a sort of game or adventure or journey, then they are sucked into battle with witches. Much like you have seen on Harry Potter movies, good vs evil battles. Many movies from Hollywood are sublime to this “Matrix” concept including the movie “The Matrix”. Many who are sucked into this field have no idea of the implications of it. This Matrix is field with psychic illusions, witches by power of their thoughts project a multitude of images in an extremely dark nature.

Lets go into more detail about what you may see in this Matrix, there is something they call “Matrix God”. He looks something like this;

He is the “Source” of all their energy; he is a shape shifter himself. The witches/warlocks call themselves “Shape shifters”. This means they take on any form, not literally in the physical but by the image they project to you in your thoughts. Sometimes they are reptilians, translucent skin or sometimes they are aliens or even Star Men, Universal Men and a Twin Flame. This field is also used for Time Travel and unlocking other metaphysical portals. Traveling this realm creates a veil of chaos over your eyes or as the bible refers to “Scales”. Things herein have been practiced since days of old even in ancient Egypt. Their concept of aliens came from this Matrix. The intentions of all these interactions are conversion, to convert you from what you currently are to one of them. They use the pineal gland allot to the point of pain. These dark witches are going to extort you in this Matrix, extract you as human capitol and use your energy to feed this Matrix.

Sadly enough, Christians and many other innocents have fallen prey often, even the highest ordained ministers. Some ministers have called it “enlightenment” or a path or journey of a widening of understanding. Many have written great books about their entire journey believing much of this was departed unto them for GOD himself. Swedenborg is the first that comes to mind. However, inadvertently though filled with great perspective and wisdom, they and transferred understanding closely related to Luciferian ideologies.

I have expensively studied along with experience and I have been brought to this great understanding. The matrix itself is a witch’s realm, nothing less. Many people seek exorcism or some just go insane, if you refuse it you will be tormented to no end. The process there in the Matrix is always the same; you are sent illusions of being someone of great significance. GOD, Christ, and Archangel, Lucifer, Satan, Lilith, an Apostle. These witches who conspire against you create an Arena in which they build you up and drop you down as you are not worthy to be this great significant person. All arenas are to expulse your belief in the one true GOD and create doubt, make you a weak persona so they can begin to define you and lead you into a multitude of sin and blasphemy against our beloved Creator and Christ.

It is important, deeply important that you understand this game, it is utmost important that you realize you’re being played and that you have power over this that is happening to you. It feels real and you trusted your visions, but you a being manipulated by bad Physic Vampires.

Claim your power back, fasting and praying are a huge help, I’m not Catholic but I have prayed the Rosary and it helps a lot. Place your focus on GOD the Father and Christ; remember Christ has the keys to Heaven, Earth and Hell. He will come and deliver you. Turn from this Matrix before it destroys you but don’t be afraid. REMEMBER it’s a game these witches/warlocks are playing on you. Be empowered by that!

Reflect deeply on Christ, his life, what he must have experienced in his DIVINE mission. I did just that on Christmas, reflected on Mary and the birth of Christ, how she felt and the emotions that poured out of her seeing the face of her son for the first time knowing this was the son GOD himself formed in her womb as a vehicle for his begotten. Immediately after that I smelt hay and the smell of animals as if I was right there. I looked around on the road I was driving but it was nothing but city highway around. No hay in sight. These connections are your gift and the higher power to deliver you from the den of the Matrix evil. Furthermore, ISIS themselves are Luciferian and are using this same power on the public for recruitment.

This is a battle you’re in and the enemy doesn’t give up easily but remember, they are energy vampires and they do not like being confronted, they do not like being “sucked” so to speak. That’s what they do, and that’s why tenacity and the process of exorcism and constant prayer helps. Christ himself will remove any demon the witches have put on you.

There was an instance where this cloud swirls built up into a vortex, a large hand reached out and plucked this wolf/crinkled fleshy bald man away. This was seen clear as day, and the demon was gone. Every bit of this was felt and seen. Keep calm and balanced and remember WE are helped!

Message me if you need help!

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