There is a dynamic in our society in which the unknowing may fall into. A subline path that can separate us from God and our true created being. Walking this road results in a difficult life, one full of strife and tempest tossing. It’s called “the social construct”.
The foundational cause is peoples “Perceptions”. This is how we allow ourselves to see the
world, God and ourselves. In a vision I saw a matrix with waves of boxes all
moving in a direction towards a large fire. This fire appeared like a molten
lava volcano and was spewing this lava is all directions. In this wave were
boxes (representing people’s perceptions). Some boxes were “white” and I believe
this symbolized “good”. Some boxes were black and I translate this metaphysical
language to “evil”. Then some boxes had
eyes looking about like they didn’t know what was going on, sort of chaos following
others like a school of fish. This is the result of perceptions we accept in
our lives.
The enemy of God and Man works very hard to pollute us with
the “wrong” perceptions and in doing so he lay’s claim to our eternal souls and
calls us his. As this vision was, the souls were not being lead to some
underworld place with multitude of creatures, nor was it some place where your
soul remains on Earth and wonders the earth as a spirit being, nor was it a
place where Satan is sitting on some kind of throne and ruling his Kingdom of
darkness of sin. Literally it was the essence of the “second death” the spiritual
death of a soul. In Holy Scripture it is called “The Lake of Fire”. A sort of
incinerator of souls.
Let’s review some of these pitfalls in our social
constructs. First and foremost, what we see on TV. In this age we have a lot of
straight forward witchcraft and occult based movies. That’s clear just in the
titles, Zombie Apocalypse, Magic Merlin, Highlander etc.
Movies or shows that are not so obvious of course would
forward a sense of normalcy in violence, sexual promiscuities. There are also
loads of reality shows regarding ghost hunters and psychic mediums and of
course self-healing. Yoga and Rekki are especially
in the category of “white” but nonetheless not relying on God for healing. The subtlest
thing ever. We have doctors and etc. and have this sense that it’s okay to seek
healing. Right? You seek healing from God, and rest in his will. Even our savior
wanted his cup removed from him but not his will rather God’s will be done. In
doing so Christ became “King” of the world and sits at the right hand of the
Father. This does not mean you should not go to a doctor but rather do
everything in prayer and supplications and ask the Father his will. This is the most excellent path and can assist
you in avoiding false diagnosis and other forms of medical mal practice.
This in fact is the entire resolve regarding the subtle
nature of pagan and demonic influences in our society. We are called in Gods
will to counter it, Selfishness is countered by Selfishness literally live as
an antonym to everything that is Pagan or Demonic. Do everything in prayer and petitions
of the Lords will and accept it.
This can be difficult to overtake your own tendencies. I
recall being extremely sympathetic to man who claimed he was financially desolate
and claimed he was 16 years old and his mother and father died in a house fire.
As a result, he was left caring for his little brother and sister. He sent me
photos to support his claims. Literally I sent him a bit of money even though I
did not have much to share at the time.
I remember feeling the Holy Spirit the next morning so powerfully, that
special tenderness and sweetness that comes over you. Later, I did find out this man was lying and
he as actually 30 years old and his brother and sister were actually his
children. Easy to think why would God
allow me to waste my hard earned money on a liar, but what God sees is that you
were moved deeply enough for another human being you didn’t know and gave your
last. In effect this is a greatest treasure of the soul. This does not mean you should go on and allow
yourself to always be manipulated rather if the circumstances do come up, you
are the true beneficiary of the reward and God will provide for your future. “Perceptions”
We must as living souls bring to order our perceptions in
accordance to Gods Holy Perceptions, he will take care of the rest.
Wrong perceptions are the number one reason the enemy lays
claims to our soul and in some point in your life you will encounter spiritual warfare
from within. Trust me, most all of us will be guilty of this failure. Time for extreme humility. Never forget the unfathomable Mercy of Jesus Christ! He will forgive all and make you whither than snow. You wont even remember any of the enemies darkness's.
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