Sunday, August 2, 2015

The gifts of Prophecy or Seer

Today’s world is filled with multitudes of those who claim to the gift of prophecy. This is in fact a tricky arena; two folds are in the midst of us. Mankind was formed with a natural spiritual gift, this was made in us so we could reach the heavens once we opened our eyes. Our Father made this in us.
Through the ages mankind has learned to manipulate these gift vs keeping it pure. In this the dawn of the new millennium the lesser forces of this world are falling over themselves with an agenda to bring mankind into a place in which GOD is not the center. Being easily beguiled within their much created nature of a spiritual connectivity to something bigger than the singular.

Keeping of the gift in its purest estate would be resting all things therein on GOD. Many prophets and seer’s whom began their foundations within the church and the house/oneness with GOD are moving to accepting metaphysical doctrine because of the similarities and a sense of “that’s what this is”.  The opposing forces create the illusion in your psyche that it is light.  The grand stage of opposing forces uses this to begin to call you into this arena, seems right and takes a natural order. Those whom were once under the full protection of the Holy Spirit are now stepping into a place where they are open to all “spirit beings” or energy as they would like to call it.  This means something terrible to real gifted souls, what it means is that a sensitive soul will experience firsthand the things that are in great darkness. The trick then the mental trap of the forces of darkness; psychological manipulations.  
If you have a gift of sight and are approached by a spiritual being who hands you a small orb of light in their hand, remember souls whom are closest to GOD almighty radiate light from their entire being as bright as the day itself. I always say when approached by a soul, to asks if they are with the Holy Spirit. If they vanish and leave the question unanswered then more than likely they are not. The darker forces pretend to look like someone they are not.  That is why the question should be asked. Also, you can tell them by the light they radiate; lesser ones cannot sustain the amount of light that is required to radiate golden except Lucifer himself. There you would ask the same question “are you with the Holy Spirit”.   The law of the spirit world is, they cannot lie about that. If there is a negative psychic from an occult speaking to you in your thoughts; he can lie about everything. The good news is that he manipulates energy field to affect your physical host and you can block this by using tangible material to block the entrance of his energy field.  (Such as a hat with a small mirror in it over the crown of your head.) Rebuke anything that leads you away from the GOD center.

The path of a seer that does not stay grounded in the oneness of our creator; who lives a life of honesty and respect in these things is destined for great deceit. A gifted one must be grounded deeply in GOD, he is our strength, high tower against those who are forming an agenda against humanity itself.
The wave of this is so prominent in this age because mankind is in the dawn of the new millennium; when the spirit of GOD will pour down upon all mankind. I encourage each and every gifted person to pay close attention to the nature of their journey, if there is a place where miss truths arise remember, what GOD instills into our hearts and minds about all questions and things in our heart, is always right!


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