The onset of the occults energies is strongly associated
with a hypnotic energy; some are so strong it’s like you literally are in a
different realm of existence. When I was attacked by an occultist in 2009 I experienced
beings, some as men and some as aliens. I remember it was a hot summer day in
Houston and I looked outside my window and had a vision of a snow covered European
wilderness with Lynx cats hiding from the snow in tree baskets. Satanist suffer
a life filled with these very same delusions, we must understand this. They are
also entitled to deliverance even if they don’t understand their affliction.
This hypnotic state is from the demonic realms, highly esoteric in nature. I spent years trying to figure out what was going on. No Christian will have any sort of education regarding these attacks unless they are attacked. It’s not common for a Christian to be interested in such things.
After these hypnotic attacks, you will begin to experience voices
and presences none which will make themselves known in their true identity. All of these presences have one intent in
common, to lead you deeper into occult sciences. As so goes down the rabbit
hole. By all means remain in opposition and DO NOT follow their lead. Psychologist
will label this Schizophrenia but literally it is an esoteric attack from the
These spirits in the demonic real have every intention to destroy
you, Principalities and Powers of darkness. They will destroy your life, your
family and loved ones, your finances and of course your mental stability. These
spirits are the remnants of souls who rejected our true God and are squirming
to save themselves. Not that the Father want them to expire but rather these souls chose to be removed from the Father. Are extremely vicious and claim to harvest your soul’s
energy. Being made man we contain the substance of life in our souls which
animates us as living, even if consciously you toggle with the idea of God’s existence
it is as simple as that he has endowed you with the light of life within him.
If by chance these things occur to you, or you experience extreme
lucid dreams, I would recommend deep and apostolic prayers daily, often daily. Read
the Bible and get into a church. The Catholic church being the oldest church of
Christ on the planet it has the best and most powerful apostolic prayer life.
You can search out all of them on You Tube. If you’re not already Catholic,
become one! You may continue to experience the battle, for the battle is long
but in time slowly and surely you will feel those demonic energies rise away
from your soul, they will become weaker and weaker and you WILL reach your
destination. Be sure to remain gracious after you have been delivered. It is an
intense and profound gift to be delivered from the fowlers snare.
If you have any questions, by all means send me a message. I
am here to help you!