Tuesday, December 13, 2016

A Christian_Breaking Occult Curses

Being a Christian for over 30 years I have a new understanding about Occultist and the spells and curses they will affect others with. It is not limited to Christians though, black occults is the lowest form of beings on this planet.

However the answer is simple; when one is under attack from darker forces, first and foremost ground yourself in prayer. Seek forgiveness from GOD through Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Once grounded ask GOD to lift the veil of darkness from your eyes, the spells are designed to confuse you and abduct physical body parts especially your eyes. Once the veil is lifted again go deeply into prayer as ask our Heavenly Father to reveal the enemy to you, once you see them you now have the face of your attacker so you can direct your intent.

You will need to reflect on all the imagery that was psychically projected on you, the black occultist will have to shown you what they are doing; it's in their procedure for intimidation purposes.

In every case you will have seen the person who is attacking you within a pentagram and circle. This is their binding spell. Some may see themselves being tied to a chair or something else. All of these must be broken.

To break their binding over you, in the name of Jesus Christ you must undo every curse in the imagery they sent you. "In the Name of Jesus I dissolve this binding circle and destroy it with lighting." Then watch it dissolve, nullify all contract, false marriages, twin flame relationships, and any other agreements or objects handed to you. Each object has a curse in it, insects, flies, bees and other living creatures. Aliens, ET's ect.

In the name of GOD Almighty I smite, destroy, crush and break every object, insect projected upon me, I am a child of the living God and do not participate in witchcraft of occult magic. Watch all the objects be destroyed with lighting.

You must make sure you are well fastened in holiness and consecrated.  Yes its that simple! Once free you can go on a live a normal beautiful Christian life. AMEN

I recommend these powerful deliverance exercises to fasten you and ground you in your true inheritance.