Deep spiritual truths are within a covenant with God, Christ
and the Holy Spirit. There lies a path of growth and maturity acclimated with presence.
What this means is that we as free will
souls have a choice, when we choose to follow Christ and accept him as our savior
we enter into a covenant with him. Through baptism we seal our free will in
this covenant.
Through time and patience we learn, grow and follow the
voice of the Holy Spirit. We will walk and carried deeper and deeper into the
mystery of our destinations and our heavenly family. We will learn deeper
prayers and meditations, we will learn how to cleanse and purify ourselves
before we approach the throne of GOD. We will learn all the qualities of GOD
himself, good will, positive thinking, lifestyle changes, joy of family and
As we grow in our walk, we will grow in power, we will
become more aware of the blessings in our life that are granted to us. GOD will
hear our prayers and we will be given the power of intercession for our neighbors,
friends, acquaintances and loved ones. Through our relationship in our prayer
life we will begin to see powers of heaven move, we become more aware that what
we prayed for has come to pass. It’s important to understand a couple of things
here, one must always pray for good will. Only when we are faced with an enormous
enemy, should we seek the father for his hand to come upon our enemy. In pure
light we must also possess the pure light within us. The language of Holiness
is a very high communication, without spoken word and a very pure form of just
knowing what is said.
As we mature in our Authority we grow still yet further,
because through the time and patience we have invested our sincerity is
secured. Through deeper meditations, through asking for greater wisdom to
understand scripture the word comes alive. Now you begin to live in Omnipresence,
in this phase there is giving and taking in a full blown relationship. GOD’s
law must be always kept pure in your lifestyle and hearts. It must be important
to you! Contemplation on the works of Christ, empathy of what our Holy family
experience while on earth will illuminate them in such a deep way you may
experience what they may have experienced. This is where the concept of
Stigmata comes from. Some experience his wounds, others may experience many
other aspects of his or his mother’s life. I was gifted with smelling Christ’s
first breath of life from a stable.
When GOD was born with man he came to pass on the gifts of
heaven. This is all encompassing, there is not one aspect of Christ existence here
on earth that is not shared if we so ask or contemplate; A deep reminder that
our lives and experiences are also shared.
Christ came to Earth to give us his all, his life, experience,
freedom from the evil trap system that lies in our midst, his caring and
compassion, his love and his gifts. In this phase we are equipped with apostolic
powers. We inherit the gifts and
authority, the same gifts and authority Christ inherited from our Heavenly Father.
We can begin to exercise healing, powers against the works of darker forces,
charity, blessings, and we will see and meet GOD, Christ, Mary and the Holy
Spirit face to face. We will begin to see the language of the spirit manifest
in visions and dreams. Not Lucid dreams however, those are usually very busy
and have a lot of chaos for that’s what they are born from but rather peaceful
messages filled with love. A true emissary of light, is our mission and we have
full authority and protection to act out on all the work that must be done.
This path is for everyone, not just clergy but also every
man woman and child, as granted from the Kingdom of God. Our good men and woman
in Authority before us are here to guide us if needed but this gift is not
limited. It is important we uphold the Churches for learned authorities for the
new generations and their guidance.
If you meet those whom say “GOD is not real” it is simply
because they have not invested their time and attention to meet them.