Monday, May 30, 2016

Say “No” to the Law of Attraction

They concept of the Law of Attraction is not a plausible perspective. In the ideology it is believed everything you project outwardly comes back to you. Of course those projections are to acquire things that your heart desires.

When there are life circumstances that are unwanted, this creates an inner turmoil. An inward fight, one of self blame, one of upheaval of emotions trying to understand what has gone wrong. Some resolve that this occurs because the issue is “supposed” to happen to reach an expected outcome.

The Law of Attraction is not an aspect of spiritual truth, the theory is simply misguided. When we find our life’s circumstances in a situation that is undesirable, it is not because one attracted this situation but rather it is a result of people themselves and their inner desires clashing. Free will is the supreme law and is first and foremost. The spiritual concept of Love attracting Love is always true but is only relevant where love is concerned.

When these situations come up, the trial is greater than the self, it goes beyond the idea that something within you has caused this because we live in a world with billions of others whom also have free will. The trial many face in this situation is “Humility”. We must give our idea of control of ourselves away to our Creator GOD. We must be humble, reach higher for help and seek DIVINE INTERVENTION. 

Pray over the circumstances and give our will to GOD to obtain a correct and favorable outcome. If the circumstance has come out of an error on your part, one must confess their error and seek forgiveness over these circumstances. Speaking to the creator confessing our wrongs reveals to him we have learned our lesson. Forgiveness is always granted; only denying the Holy Spirit is unpardonable.

If we can achieve this real inner inspection, GOD moves the powers in heaven to change the
circumstances and outcomes to a favorable judgment.  

Friday, May 13, 2016

Heavens Psychic Gifts

Modern Days present many challenges, not only morally but spiritually as well. Many people may experience psychic connections and don't fully understand them. Because they don't understand them many times they are mislead about this gift and its purpose and use.

The body, soul and this conscious reality all collectively merge together under GOD's shadow. Our Father and creator made man in woman in an constant evolutionary state. We are constantly growing in body, mind and spirit. As we mature as a creation our gifts also grow.

Many people these days realize their psychic gifts but are easily lead stray because of the false paths of spirituality already in our midst. They are lead astray because they believe that this false path is what they must be aligned to. Tarot, magic practices, occult, kabbalah and witchcraft. Similarities fool people in believing these things are the explanation of their gifts and purpose.

GOD created us in his and their image and gave us the spiritual power to reach him, connect with him and receive him. The psychic powers gifted to each man and woman are used for the soul purpose of bring heaven on earth. Not to trespass one another, or to guide or tell people what their future is but only for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Thus when you live the lifestyle of  a holy and clean temple and are purified to receive GOD's presence, you will meet him and connect to him.

His will be done, you will be shown how to change lives and bring one another to a more divine lifestyle as our Father intended for all of humanity to live.

If you are currently being mislead, change this coarse with this understanding and call upon the Father , Son and Holy Spirit to take lead.