Friday, June 5, 2015

Jupiter Ascending _The Ascension Agenda

This movie has amazing parallels with the New Age Ascension agenda. The Ascension agenda has deep founded roots in Luciferian. In this movie Jupiter was found on Earth and she was a Princess. Bee’s would not sting her which was a sign that she was royalty.

Jupiter (main character) was found by some rouge warriors from outer space (or a different realm) reminiscent of aliens. Jupiter was informed by these two male warriors that she was to inherent the Earth.

She was attacked by other populations that were an enemy of these two warriors but from the same realm. One of these warriors was an elder and the other was a young fighter, strong and fearsome. His wings were taken from him (his role was much like a guardian angel) This realm was suppose to be an advanced race eons older than those her on earth yet was this chaotic war torn place in space and time which by no means is better than Earth. This realm was apparently responsible for the creation of humanity.

Power struggle began for Jupiter, first she was taken by one of these enemy warriors to a world where the women had power to regenerate in water and become 30 years young again. The one princess was about 14,000,000 years old. A fountain of eternal youth. Much like the Luciferian agenda of ageless and where time is the most valuable asset in all of creation. Nothing like the Christian idea of radiating spirit energies which cause a glowing youthful look.

Jupiter was once again abducted and brought before another young man who was beautiful and claimed that he searched for her because of her genetics; they were much like his mother. He told her about a world that collects earth souls, matter of fact 100 souls per vial and sells it to others. (A large profitable business in this realm.) His intention is to marry her and presents her with a diamond lotus ring. Jupiter’s supposed guardian angel all the while is seeking her and is thrown in prison by this man. The guardian is then released into outer space and just before he is realized the man who plans on marring Jupiter confesses his plot to kill her after they are wed. He is an eloquent liar and he is actually the poacher of human souls. His intention is to kill Jupiter after he marries her to inherit the Earth so he can poach human souls for this substances which by the way is the material actually used in the fountain of youth mentioned above. The harvest of souls to give other beings eternal life. Unlike the Christian understanding the souls harvest is to determine the wheat from the tears. To know who is rebellious and evil from those good souls that will enter the kingdom gates.

The Luciferian agenda is for these attachments that they project on you using occult witchcraft practices and these attachments come as false guardians; believing that are creating time for themselves buy hiding in the midst of your prescience.

Christians are most targeted in this agenda, our promise from Heavenly Father and Christ is that we are given eternal life and not subject to being blotted out like evil souls.

Jupiter is rescued from this false marriage and then she goes into an orange storm much like that on Jupiter. Inside there are where the reptilians live along with a leader who is the essence of Lucifer. Through manipulations he coheres her to do as he wants after abducting her family and threaten to kill them if she doesn’t. She is them rescued by her guardian and he grows his wings back. They live on earth together as lovers. AWE!

The parallels of this movie with the Ascension Agenda which actually is the Luciferian agenda are amazing! First you are thrust into these ideologies of being something supreme and amazing along with the promise of some great romance lover or twin flame. You are told you are created as a highly important spiritual persona who is ancient in years and lived multiple lives on multiple planets.
Many different scenarios occur thereafter, I’ve met some who believed they where an Archangel who has incarnated on earth only to be in the prescience of Christ and told he was unworthy for Heaven. Total attempts to turn you from our GOD the creator and Christ and in a sense make you believe you are also a fallen one.

Some agendas are like the doctrine of Swedenborg where he was enlighten about the afterlife. Our forefathers have gone through great struggles to bring us the truth about our origins spiritually and bring forward truth about how much we are loved by GOD, our true heavenly father. Christ gave everything to usher in a new time where men could be free of the heathen bondage of false worship and rouge angels affecting our already difficult struggles in life. Often in this Luciferian agenda they test your faith in every means possible. If you experience lucid dreams, planting false illusions psychically and meeting other world beings you are probably under attach. The scriptures tell us to test every spirit that approaches; ask if they are with the Holy Spirit. They cannot lie about it, if they just vanish than more than likely they are not. Luciferian agenda is 100% alteration of perspectives even to include that the Godhead would also consume your soul (like eating your soul). Or in some cases the output of this false journey is just a power struggle of deities. GOD is SO MUCH MORE than just a deity…

This does not mean that Christ, GOD or the Holy Spirit will never come, it only means there are those who have nothing but contempt for you and wish to confuse you with false illusions. This is the age we live in, be closely guarded and pray often. There aggressive agenda in this age is only proof of their desperation's which means the new millennium is soon upon us.

My recommendation is to resist every attempt of theirs to alter your perceptions, be in constant opposition to them and never relent. Do not give up your love for GOD, Christ or the Holy Spirit. Stand firm and remember not one person can know all there is to know about GOD. Do not ever denounce your faith, denounce and rebuke them. Anything that comes to you in secret and attempts to change you is NO GOOD. Lean firmly to GOD the creator and hold tight. No pain, no suffering, no torment or lie can move you from GOD’s love and forgiveness. Ask him daily … AMEN